Here is a list of some of the people who have helped me in my understanding of consumer electronics, audio software, and development of the AV toolkit.
Andrew Jerrim of Oblique Audio
Brady Van Bockern of Murideo
Dustin Stuntebeck of Murideo
Jeremy Curtis of Harkwood Services
Jim of
Maël Hörz of HxD
Mark Rejhon of Blur Busters
Michael John Wood of
Michael Tippach of ASIO4ALL
Omar Cornut, creator of Dear ImGui
Patrick McKenzie of Keysight Technologies
Steve Agnello of Kramer Canada
Thomas Thiemann of and SMTT
Friends and Family:
Amanda Jones
Emily Picknell
Jeremy Penner
Justin Wilkinson
Luc Malo
Ravi Udit
Victor Khalaf